All Categories > Airbnb
Here are a few noteworthy features and a list of things to note when connecting to the API : Listings connected to Airbnb will be made instant bookable. This is done by Airbnb and cannot be undone in…
Updated 3 years ago by Phoebe De Riggs
Webready provides Airbnb property managers & owners with the most sophisticated VRM tools available. Accept online bookings on your website for your Airbnb listings, without having to worry about boo…
Airbnb is no longer supporting co-hosting through the Webready connections. Airbnb advises that you log into Airbnb and switch to Hosting Team. What’s the difference between a co-host and hosting tea…
Connecting your Airbnb and Webready accounts is easy and effective. Once connected, Webready will keep your websites and Airbnb accounts synced, and with the use of Automations, will automatically se…
Updated 2 years ago by Phoebe De Riggs
If you've added new listings to an existing Airbnb account, you may notice that these new listings do not automatically show in Webready. Don't worry, refreshing your Airbnb property list is easy in…
Alongside your Webready account, AirBnB can be a powerful tool in marketing your vacation rental and getting more bookings and attention. But ranking highly enough in AirBnB’s search engine to get no…
Title - At least 8 characters in the listing title. Description - At least 50 characters but no more than 500 in the listing description field. Photos - At least 7 photos, including 3 with high-resol…
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